Results for 'Raúl González Meyer'

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  1.  6
    Sobre lo común. Entrevista a Pierre Dardot realizada por Raúl González Meyer.Pierre Dardot & Raúl González Meyer - 2024 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (2):151-166.
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    Lo local en la teoría y en la política.Raúl González Meyer - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    En este artículo se fundamenta y promueve la necesidad de comprensión de lo local como escala de lo social, y como una producción social resultante de la acción e interacción de agentes que actúan desde diferentes escalas, intereses y objetivos. Se sostiene, además que ello ha sido un campo analítico de bajo desarrollo en Chile y América Latina, aunque se puede inventariar un conjunto de aproximaciones que directa o indirectamente se han referido a ello en el pasado. Por otro lado, (...)
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    Raúl González Meyer, Poderes Locales, Nación y Globalización, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Santiago de Chile, 2008, 222 p. [REVIEW]Marcelo Garrido Pereira - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    Cuando nos enfrentamos a una obra de autor normalmente queremos adjudicarnos la propiedad física de la misma, ya sea porque quien escribe representa un referente en las temáticas definidas o porque la denominación o título provoca una especie de comezón cognitiva, y hacer caso omiso de ella, podría provocarnos un colapso por privación de pertenencia. Sea cual fuera el caso, la obra de Raúl González se inscribe en una especie de síntesis de las dos situaciones antes expresadas. Es (...)
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    A Ricardo Franco Guzmán.Raúl González-Salas Campos - 2008 - In Ricardo Franco Guzmán (ed.), Homenaje a Ricardo Franco Guzmán: 50 años de vida académica. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales.
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  5. El problema ético dentro del mercado según Francisco de Vitoria.Raúl González Fabre - 1994 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 30:51-88.
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    La teoría del bien jurídico en el derecho penal.Raúl González-Salas Campos - 1995 - Cd. López Mateos, Atizapán de Zaragoza: Pereznieto.
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  7. Programa de educación grupal para personas con trastorno bipolar.Raúl Sánchez & Marcela González - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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    La exclusión social de los judíos en el Imperio Cristiano.Raúl González Salinero - 1999 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 4:103.
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    Personality Traits Induce Different Brain Patterns When Processing Social and Valence Information.Jorge Carlos Hevia-Orozco, Azalea Reyes-Aguilar, Raúl Hernández-Pérez, Leopoldo González-Santos, Erick H. Pasaye & Fernando A. Barrios - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper shows the brain correlates of Cloninger’s personality model during the presentation of social scenarios under positive or negative valence situations. Social scenarios were constructed when participants played the Dictator game with two confederates that had two opposites roles as the cooperator and non-cooperator. Later the same day during a fMRI scanning session, participants read negative and positive situations that happened to confederates in the past. Participants were asked to think “how do you think those people felt during that (...)
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  10. Granada.Raúl González Arévalo - 2008 - Medioevo 1:67.
  11. Apoyo social y síntomas psicofisiológicos en estudiantes de segundo semestre de la licenciatura en psicología de la UVM campus Tlalpan.Gabriela Estrada González & Raúl Alcazar Olán - 2005 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 2 (6).
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    Moral control and ownership in AI systems.Raul Gonzalez Fabre, Javier Camacho Ibáñez & Pedro Tejedor Escobar - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):289-303.
    AI systems are bringing an augmentation of human capabilities to shape the world. They may also drag a replacement of human conscience in large chunks of life. AI systems can be designed to leave moral control in human hands, to obstruct or diminish that moral control, or even to prevent it, replacing human morality with pre-packaged or developed ‘solutions’ by the ‘intelligent’ machine itself. Artificial Intelligent systems (AIS) are increasingly being used in multiple applications and receiving more attention from the (...)
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    Relaciones de complementación en toba del este de Formosa (Argentina): hacia un enfoque funcional de la subordinación.Raúl Eduardo González - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):236-249.
    En este trabajo analizamos las relaciones de complementación en la lengua toba hablada en el este de la provincia de Formosa en estrecha correlación con construcciones seriales simétricas. Se trata de dos tipos de cláusulas complejas cercanas –argumentos compartidos, los dos o más verbos son finitos, no existe marca evidente de subordinación en términos sintácticos– por lo cual los límites entre ambas no resultan evidentes. Por este motivo, proponemos un abordaje de tipo funcional de la subordinación. En línea con la (...)
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  14. El conocimiento moral según Francisco de Vitoria.Raúl González Fabre - 1998 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 36:101-139.
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    Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy.Martin Cohen & Raul Gonzalez (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Enlightening and entertaining, _Philosophical Tales_ examines a few of the fascinating biographical details of history’s greatest philosophers and highlights their contributions to the field. By applying the true philosophical approach to philosophy itself, the text provides us with a refreshing 'alternative history' of philosophy. Opens up new philosophical debate by applying the true philosophical approach to philosophy itself Provides summaries of the most celebrated and philosophically interesting tales, their backgrounds, and assessments of the leading players Explores philosophers and schools of (...)
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    The Pharmaceutical Market for Biological Products in Latin America: A Comprehensive Analysis of Regional Sales Data.Esteban Ortiz-Prado, Juan S. Izquierdo-Condoy, Jorge Eduardo Vasconez-González, Gabriela Dávila, Trigomar Correa & Raúl Fernández-Naranjo - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):39-61.
    The global market for biologics and biosimilar pharmaceutical products is experiencing rapid expansion, primarily driven by the continuous discovery of new molecules. However, information regarding Latin America’s biological market remains limited.
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    Immersive Virtual Reality as an Adjunctive Non-opioid Analgesic for Pre-dominantly Latin American Children With Large Severe Burn Wounds During Burn Wound Cleaning in the Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study.Hunter G. Hoffman, Robert A. Rodriguez, Miriam Gonzalez, Mary Bernardy, Raquel Peña, Wanda Beck, David R. Patterson & Walter J. Meyer - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    (1 other version)Sensory Processing in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the Home and Classroom Contexts.Pilar Sanz-Cervera, Gemma Pastor-Cerezuela, Francisco González-Sala, Raúl Tárraga-Mínguez & Maria-Inmaculada Fernández-Andrés - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Use of Virtual Reality Facilitates Dialectical Behavior Therapy® “Observing Sounds and Visuals” Mindfulness Skills Training Exercises for a Latino Patient with Severe Burns: A Case Study.Jocelyn Gomez, Hunter G. Hoffman, Steven L. Bistricky, Miriam Gonzalez, Laura Rosenberg, Mariana Sampaio, Azucena Garcia-Palacios, Maria V. Navarro-Haro, Wadee Alhalabi, Marta Rosenberg, Walter J. Meyer & Marsha M. Linehan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Raul González Salinero, Poder y conflicto religioso en el norte de África: Quodvultdeus de Cartago y los vándalos. [REVIEW]Mario Mendoza - 2004 - Augustinianum 44 (2):530-532.
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  21. " Me fui detrás de los obreros cantando": poesía, historia y revolución en Todos bailan de Raúl González Tuñón.María Fernanda Alle - 2011 - Anclajes 15 (2):1 - 17.
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  22. Organizational commitment: A proposal for a Wider ethical conceptualization of 'normative commitment'. [REVIEW]Tomás F. González & Manuel Guillén - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):401-414.
    Conceptualization and measurement of organizational commitment involve different dimensions that include economic, affective, as well as moral aspects labelled in the literature as: ‘continuance’, ‘affective’ and ‘normative’ commitment. This multidimensional framework emerges from the convergence of different research lines. Using Aristotle’s philosophical framework, that explicitly considers the role of the will in human commitment, it is proposed a rational explanation of the existence of mentioned dimensions in organizational commitment. Such a theoretical proposal may offer a more accurate definition of ‘affective (...)
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    González Salinero, Raúl. Las conversiones forzosas de los indios en el reino visigodo.Sabino Perea - 2002 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 7:269.
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    González Salinero, Raúl. El antijudaismo cristiano occidental (siglos IV y V).Sabino Perea - 2002 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 7:267.
    This study is based on the Acts of Peter, an apocryphal writing of the New Testament. The book, which is actually a work “pious”, popular and exemplary, recounts numerous episodes of magic. Of special interest to maintain the pulse Simon Peter vs Simon Magus, doing magic and miracles in Rome. The ideological background of the book is is an attack against the figure of the bad Roman emperors, whose model is Nerone, character ridiculed as murderer and persecutor of Christians.
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    González Salinero, Raúl-Ortega Monsaterio, María Teresa," Fuentes clásicas en el judaísmo: de Sophía a Hokmah (Thema Mundi/I)".Inmaculada Hernández-Tejero Larrea - 2011 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 16:327-328.
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    González Salinero, Raúl. Poder y conflicto religioso en el norte de Africa: Quodvultdeus de Cartago y los vándalos.Pablo C. Díaz - 2002 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 7:252.
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    Plantas americanas para la España Ilustrada: Génesis, desarrollo y ocaso del proyecto español de expediciones botánicas. Antonio González Bueno, Raúl Rodríguez Nozal.Ana Barahona - 2001 - Isis 92 (4):760-760.
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    Some Great Figures.Gregory D. Gilson & Gregory Fernando Pappas - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 497–524.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Acosta, José de (1539–1600) Alberdi, Juan Bautista (1810–84) Bello, Andrés (1781–1865) Bilbao, Francisco (1823–65) Bolkvar, Simón (1783–1830) Casas, Bartolomé de las (1484–1566) Caso, Antonio (1883–1946) Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la (1651–95) da Costa, Newton Carneiro Affonso (b. 1929) Dussel, Enrique (b. 1934) Frondizi, Risieri (1910–83) Gaos, José (1900–69) González Prada, Manuel (1848–1918) Gracia, Jorge J. E. (b. 1942) Haya de la Torre, Victor Raúl (1895–1979) Hostos, Eugenio Marka de (1839–1903) Ingenieros, José (1877–1925) (...)
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    Nature of Engineering Knowledge.Allison Antink-Meyer & Ryan A. Brown - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (3-5):539-559.
    The inclusion of engineering standards in US science education standards is potentially important because of how limited engineering education for K-12 learners is, despite the ubiquity of engineering in students’ lives. However, the majority of learners experience science education throughout their compulsory schooling. If improved engineering literacy is to be achieved, then its inclusion in science curricula is perhaps the most efficient means. One significant challenge that arises, however, is in the framing of engineering relative to science by both teachers (...)
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    Kbd comme nom divin en éblaïte, ougaritique et hébreu.F. De Meyer - 1980 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 11 (2):225-228.
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  31. Positivismes: philosophie, sociologie, histoire, sciences: actes du colloque international, 10-12 décembre 1997, Université libre de Bruxelles, sous le patronage du Comité national de Logique, histoire et philosophie des sciences de Belgique.Andrée Despy-Meyer & Didier Devriese (eds.) - 1999 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
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  32. Natur und Kunst bei Aristoteles.Hans Meyer - 1919 - Paderborn,: F. Schöningh.
    Einleitung.--Die Materie.--Form, Bewirkende und gestaltende Ursache.--Der Zweck.--Zusammenhang des aristotelischen Denkens mit dem der Vorzeit. Bestimmung des Verhältnisses Gottes zur Welt.
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    Schlaglicht: Silo-Denken und System-Denken.Wolfgang Meyer - 2023 - In Julia Mörtel, Alfred Nordmann & Oliver Schlaudt (eds.), Indikatoren in Entscheidungsprozessen: Stärken und strukturelle Schwächen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 55-56.
    Unter System-Denken wird die Beschäftigung mit Phänomenen unter Einbeziehung aller ihrer (Wechsel-)Beziehungen im komplexen Zusammenhang verstanden. Es basiert auf der universellen Systemtheorie, die disziplinübergreifend arbeitet und ein allgemeines Verständnis von der Funktionsweise von Systemen entwickelt hat. Es besteht, die Gefahr, sich auf einen dieser Teilaspekte zu fokussieren und so wichtige Elemente und Einflüsse zu übersehen (Silo-Denken).
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    Protecting the Mind: An Analysis of the Concept of the Mental in the Neurorights Law.Pablo Lopez-Silva & Raúl Madrid - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:101-117.
    After examining some of the most fundamental aspects of the general concept of ‘neuroright’ in the current discussion, this paper analyzes the concept of ‘the mental’ contained in the very first law of neurorights in the world currently under discussion in the Senate of the Republic of Chile (Bulletin 13.828-19 of the Chilean Senate). It is claimed that the lack of specificity of the target notion might not only posit difficulties for the creation of specific legal frameworks for the protection (...)
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    Creative waters: Semantic and ritual innovation in the Book of Numbers.Esias E. Meyer - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):6.
    The article examines how water features in different rituals in Leviticus and Numbers. It starts by providing an overview of how water is used in Leviticus and Numbers for cleansing and other rituals, focusing on cases where water is mixed with something else. Then, the article focuses on three pericopes from the Book of Numbers that describe concoctions of water mixed with other substances. These concoctions are given specific names in Numbers. Lastly, the article discusses diachronic arguments about these ritual (...)
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    Posibilidad, contingencia, necesidad, existencia: estudios en los 300 años de la Teodicea de Leibniz.Ángel Luis González (ed.) - 2011 - Pamplona: Eunsa.
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    Teaching Augmented Reality.Rubén González, Jordán Pascual, Vicente García, Teobaldo Hernán Sagastegui & María Elena Alva - 2017 - In José María Ariso (ed.), Augmented Reality: Reflections on its Contribution to Knowledge Formation. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 295-308.
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    Estrogens in human psychosexual differentiation.Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):336-337.
    There is some very limited evidence for a role of estrogens in human psychosexual masculinization; its interpretation is uncertain. Fitch & Denenberg's demonstration of a role for estrogens in the behavioral feminization of nonhuman mammals implicitly suggests an answer to a riddle posed by the syndrome of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in women.
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    YHWH humilla y exalta. Análisis de 1 Sam 2, 6-10.Tomás G. Ortega González - 2021 - Mayéutica 47 (104):241-294.
    In this article the so-called “Song of Hanna” is approached to propose a new reading of it, making a review of its main variants, particularly with regard to vv. 6 to 8. The sources which are contrasted are TM, LXX, the Vorlage of the LXX and 4Qsam, among others. The current state of the studies related to the text of 1 Sam 2: 6-10, and the “Song of Hanna” is also addressed, to propose a synthesis of the ideas presented in (...)
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    Claridad es perfección: religión y filosofía en el último Wittgenstein.Mariano Rodríguez González - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (69):101-126.
    Este artículo analiza ciertas interpretaciones del célebre comentario de Wittgenstein a Drury, sin duda relevantes para comprender el sentido de la filosofía del pensador vienés en su último periodo, según el cual él mismo, sin ser una persona religiosa, no podía evitar contemplar todas las cuestiones desde una perspectiva religiosa. Los pasos para identificar la razón por la que se puede afirmar que la inmunización de la forma de vida religiosa constituye el sentido último de la filosofía concebida como análisis (...)
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    Bringing back the exiled who never left: Habermas as a conflictivist?Julián González - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 16 (2):31-43.
    Chantal Mouffe ha criticado con vehemencia la propuesta deliberativa de Jürgen Habermas por lo que interpreta como una negación del conflicto político. El objetivo de este trabajo es reconsiderar esta objeción. Para ello se reconstruye la crítica mouffeana a partir de cuatro diferentes planos analíticos en lo que refiere a las posibilidades de comprensión y aceptación del antagonismo. En contra de lo sostenido por Mouffe, afirmamos que a pesar de que el modelo deliberativo coloca un énfasis prioritario en la dimensión (...)
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    La autorregulación como proceso complejo en el aprendizaje del individuo peninsular.Luz Marina Pereira González - 2005 - Polis 11.
    El proceso de aprendizaje en un adulto es diferente al que ocurre en la etapa de la niñez; el adulto posee un piso de competencias al que es capaz de integrarla adquisición de nuevos conocimientos y asume su aprendizaje como un proceso electivo en función de sus motivaciones e intereses. El adulto como totalidad “bio-psico-sociológica” siente, vive, actúa y otorga significado a lo que aprende como parte de la realidad y del paradigma en el que se halla inserto. Considerar al (...)
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    Del escándalo al cálculo: nuevas aventuras de la autorreferencia.Enrique Alonso González - 1994 - Endoxa 1 (4):43.
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    Aspectos metodológicos de la investigación científica: un enfoque multidisciplinar.Wenceslao J. González & Luis Puelles (eds.) - 1988 - [Murcia]: EDITUM.
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    Counter-Novels.Shawn Gonzalez - 2018 - CLR James Journal 24 (1):89-105.
    While Sylvia Wynter emphasizes the written word’s capacity to transform our systems of organizing knowledge, she repeatedly questions the extent to which novels can have this transformative capacity. Both her theoretical writing and the plot of her 1962 novel The Hills of Hebron emphasize the novel’s limitations. However, Wynter does not totally reject the form. Instead, she reimagines the novel through the idea of the “counter-novel,” developed in conjunction with her close reading of Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man. This essay (...)
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    Doctor Pedro Monreal Valdivieso. Pioneer of Camagüey´s Orthopedics.Erick Héctor Hernández González & Gretel Mosquera Betancourt - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):218-227.
    RESUMEN La medicina tradicional herbolaria desde su evolución hasta la contemporaneidad ha sido objeto de uso para la medicina convencional. Por eso el objetivo del trabajo es describir el comportamiento de la medicina tradicional herbolaria en los sistemas de salud convencionales. Se realizó la búsqueda y análisis documental de numerosas fuentes sobre la temática pertenecientes a las bases de datos SciELO Cuba, SciELO Regional, Science Direct, Clinical Key, Cumed, Lilacslo. Se concluye que la actualidad social registra manifestaciones alentadoras en el (...)
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  47. Raza, inmigración e identidad nacional en la Venezuela finisecular.Manuel Hernández González - 1997 - Contrastes 9:35-48.
    "Guzmancismo" was a bet to provide Venezuela with modernizing politics structures controlled by the balance of interests emong the different groups of pressure. It linked the regional leaders to the centralist proyect. allowing them to have plots of power and "clientelismo" under the condition of standing surety for the public order in their states. This long historical period of Venezuela is presided by the deep impact of positivism between the venezolan elites whe searched for the conformation of their national identity.
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    Scott Sentence Complexities of Linear Orderings.David Gonzalez & Dino Rossegger - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-30.
    We study possible Scott sentence complexities of linear orderings using two approaches. First, we investigate the effect of the Friedman–Stanley embedding on Scott sentence complexity and show that it only preserves $\Pi ^{\mathrm {in}}_{\alpha }$ complexities. We then take a more direct approach and exhibit linear orderings of all Scott sentence complexities except $\Sigma ^{\mathrm {in}}_{3}$ and $\Sigma ^{\mathrm {in}}_{\lambda +1}$ for $\lambda $ a limit ordinal. We show that the former cannot be the Scott sentence complexity of a linear (...)
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    The Pending Revolution: Kant as a Moral Revolutionary.Ana Marta González - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 28 (3).
    Kant controversially opposed political revolutions; yet, in morality, he clearly encouraged a revolutionary attitude. Drawing especially on the relevant texts in the Metaphysics of Morals, the Religion, the Education and the Anthropology, I explore the conceptual underpinnings of Kant’s position, arguing that Kant’s contrast between moral revolution and reform is at the basis of his twofold notion of noumenal and phenomenal virtue, which in turn explains the contrast he draws between principled versus imitative behaviour in the Education. On this basis, (...)
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    Plato and the Poets (review).Catalin Partenie - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (2):291-292.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Plato and the PoetsCatalin ParteniePierre Destrée and Fritz-Gregor Herrmann, editors. Plato and the Poets. Mnemosyne Supplements: Monographs on Greek and Latin Language and Literature, 328. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2011. Pp. xxii + 434. Cloth, $217.00.This beautifully produced volume is a collection of nineteen essays, half of them being initially presented as papers given at a 2006 conference in Louvain. Seven chapters focus on the Republic and address a variety (...)
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